Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dumb Schools

Lately schools in Texas have started to ban students from wearing jackets with hoods on them. These policies are enforce by various schools in Dallas ISD, Garland ISD, and Arlington ISD. These policies are completely up to the school and the school’s district are not enforcing schools to enact the policy. The school’s claims the purposes for these policies is for security. That jackets with hoods on them prevents a security camera or a staff member to view a person’s head.

This is a absolute abuse of power by these schools. These schools mine as well switch to uniforms, instead of making up policies that violate freedom of expression. I understand that these schools are trying to keep students safe, but this policy is completely absurd. Furthermore this is message to students that your school is not a safe place to be. That students should constantly be on high alert at a place they attend everyday, which should not be a student’s focus. A student should be able to wear what makes them feel comfortable. These schools that are enforcing these rules are completely losing site of the bigger picture, which is education. Principals and teachers have bigger responsibilities than to play fashion police. Schools should not be focusing on what is on a student’s body, but instead on what is in their brain.

Recently schools have been dropping standards to allow students to succeed. As you can see, schools have not been dedicated to resolving that problem. They have instead been focusing on jackets. This policy is a complete joke. I feel they should solve the bigger problem first and deal with the nip bit problems last. As the saying goes, “there are bigger fishes to fry”.

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