Thursday, September 25, 2008

Austin schools benefit from home- grown talent (Blog stage 3)

The editorial, “Austin schools benefit from home-grown talent” speaks of Austin public schools frequent changes in the principal position. Each time there is a principal change in Austin it usually results in losing money, because of the recruiting and training expenses to stabilize the school. A change in principal also effects the school’s morale. In efforts to end changing principals, Austin has develop a plan to assist young and inexperienced principals. The plan includes a developmental program that will cost 3.6 million of federal grant and 1.2 million of its own money. The developmental program will not only train, but will provide experienced principals to assist inexperienced principals. This will help Austin develop the principals in place, instead of constantly searching for better principals.

The author of the editorial demonstrates a good argument by presenting great knowledge of occurring events in Austin public schools, such as the need to stabilize principals and the effects of changing principals within a school. In the editorial the author presents meaningful facts of Austin schools. For instance, the number of changes in principals that have happen in Texas in past years. There is a average of thirty principal changes a year resulting in 2.7 million lost due to those changes. The importance of the principal position is shown by the author. The author feels that it is worth the amount of money it will take to ensure stability at the principal position. The principal position is compared to a boss of a company in the editorial to display the stature of the position. The success and failures are directly on the shoulders of the principal, which is in charge of hiring teachers, managing schools budgets, and other important decisions for schools. The editorial also mentions who will be effected by the plan. Reagan high school will be one location that will be implementing the plan. The author exploits that Reagan high school has had seven principals since 2003. For the new principal there will be a experience team alongside to provide assistance. I feel a experience team of leaders will be good for a school with so many problems that one principal can not solve. The editorial ensues better schools will be provided for Austin citizens with the development of principals. The author gives high praises for this new Austin plan of developing principals.

I completely agree with the author of this editorial. The principal position today have been devalued and has become a doormat. We need to spend time to develop principals before giving them major responsibilities. A principal makes the most important decisions for our students and should be developed properly. If the guidance our youth receives is not correct will provide us with many implications in the future.

1 comment:

JBT said...

NERD!!!!! hahaha jk! =P